Q: Can I cancel my order after I have placed it?
A: Yes, you can cancel your order by contacting us as soon as possible. If your order has not yet been prepared, we will do our best to accommodate your request. However, if the order has already been prepared or is en route for delivery, we may not be able to cancel it.
Q: How do I cancel my order?
A: To cancel your order, please contact us by phone or email as soon as possible. Our contact information is listed on our website and on your order confirmation.
Q: Will I be charged a fee for cancelling my order?
A: If your order has not yet been prepared, you will not be charged a fee for cancelling your order. However, if the order has already been prepared or is en route for delivery, we may not be able to cancel it and you may be charged for the full cost of the order.
Q: Can I cancel my order if it is late?
A: If your order is late, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to address the issue. If you wish to cancel your order due to lateness, please contact us as soon as possible and we will consider your request on a case-by-case basis.
Q: Can I cancel my order if I am not satisfied with the food quality?
A: If you are not satisfied with the quality of your food, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to address the issue. Depending on the situation, we may offer a refund, credit, or replacement. However, if you have already consumed the food, we may not be able to offer a refund or replacement.
Q: Can I cancel my order if I received the wrong items?
A: If you received the wrong items, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to address the issue. Depending on the situation, we may offer a refund, credit, or replacement.
Q: Can I cancel an order placed through a third-party platform (e.g., UberEats, DoorDash)?
A: For orders placed through third-party platforms, please refer to the cancellation policies of the respective platform. We are unable to process cancellations for orders placed through these platforms.
Q: What happens if I cancel an order that has already been prepared or delivered?
A: If you cancel an order that has already been prepared or delivered, you may still be responsible for the full cost of the order. Please contact our customer support to discuss your specific situation.
Q: How long does it take to process a refund for a canceled order?
A: Refunds for canceled orders will be processed as soon as possible, typically within [2-3 business days]. Please note that it may take additional time for the refund to reflect in your account, depending on your payment method and bank processing times.
· Changes to the Cancellation Policy We reserve the right to make changes to our cancellation policy at any time. Any changes will be posted on our website and will be effective immediately.